Dr. Renaud Gerve grew up in the impoverished mountain area of Mombin Crochu, Haiti. The oldest of 7 children, he remembers the day his grandmother fell ill and was taken the 11 miles ( A 2 hour trip in the mountains) to the hospital in Pignon. Once there, his family found out that the hospital, which was the only medical facility serving that area at that time, didn’t have a doctor or a nurse. His grandmother soon died due to lack of medical attention. It was then that Renaud set his heart on becoming a doctor and returning to Mombin Crochu one day to provide medical care for his own people.



EarthQuake 2021 relief
August 20, 2021
The Cap Haitien Clinic Medical team flew to the earthquake site in Les Cayes to provide medical care and relief. They flew by plane in order to avoid gangs and bandits on the roads. When they arrived they joined the Haitian Ministry of Health team so they could be more effective together.
Click below for more photos.

Dr. Gerve Travels to the United States 2022
January 17, 2022
Dr. Renaud Gerve the Founder and Medical Director traveled from Haiti to Miami and then on to Noblesville Indiana which is the home of Pro Famille Clinic. There he spent time with Becky and Al Atz, President and Treasurer. Then it was on to Columbus Ohio to discuss the operations in Haiti. Orchard Park Presbyterian church, a major sponsor was the next stop for a presentation. A zoom meeting with the board members was up next. January 24th Dr. Gerve headed to meet up with Greg and Nan Howland to discuss CPR/ Basic Life Support program which they
Truck Donation
January 30, 2022
-In December we received a gift of $25,000 for the purchase of a new (to us) truck. A Toyota
crew cab pick-up has been purchased in Port au Prince. Our agent there will drive it to us when it is
deemed safe so that we avoid bandits. Our existing truck continues in use and will serve the Cap Haitian clinic while the new one will take over the weekly journey to the mountains.
Microscope Donation
February 6, 2022
We received a donation of a microscope from members of Orchard Park Presbyterian Church that we will use in the Cap Hatien Clinic.

Trip to Haiti - Start New Medical Clinic Build
February 23,2022
I went to Haiti Wednesday, 2/23, with Chis Rodenbough, our building supervisor, to gain consensus on the building techniques for the new clinic. We met with Justin Cadet, the contractor (who built Dr Gerve's house/guesthouse), and Dr Gerve. Unique challenges include being located on a floodplain, an earthquake fault, and a wet, sandy base. Chis recently built a church on the Zambesi River in Zambia so had experience with the floodplain and wet